Monday, February 2, 2015

Insanity Max 30 Progress!

Ahhh! I am so excited to share my week 1 progress with you guys!!! I have officially been doing Insanity Max 30 for a week now, and I am already seeing results! I am down 3 lbs, and feel so much more energized!

I am mortified to post this, but here are my before pics, followed by my Week 1 pics. (as you can tell, I was clearly THRILLED about taking the before)

I was SO not confident taking these pics. My body was not what I wanted it to be, nor did I feel comfortable in my own skin. I even insisted I wear my shorts up to my boobs....apparently I thought that would look better? Ummmm no. 

I know 1 week of working out is not going to create a drastic change, but I am more than happy with the progress I am already seeing!!! 

So, here are my week 1 pics. I am still not where I want to be, but change is happening, and I cannot wait to see the final result!!! 

I can already tell my abs and arms are getting stronger! I still want to show more definition in my legs and booty, but I know with Shaun T's power jumps and lunges I will be there in no time!! (Now if only there was a way to make my legs a little longer ;)

If you guys want to learn a bit more about Insanity Max 30, check out the link below! Also, go ahead and sign up for your free Beachbody Club Membership. It will assign ME as your wonderful coach, give you recipes and workout tips, plus I can help you transform your body into a healthy You!!!

Free Membership:

Insanity Max 30:

Insanity Max 30 Challenge Pack: (Insanity Max 30 Deluxe Kit + Shakeology) 


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