Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Facebook Profile Pic Do's and Don'ts

As most of us know, first impressions are EVERYTHING, and there is never a second chance to make that impression so make it count! Sometimes, your profile picture is even more important than the content actually on your page! It is your chance to say something about you, without having to read your bio!

You want your picture to be approachable, familiar, and most importantly, build trust and loyalty. I know I usually follow people who I admire, as well as present themselves well.

Here are some profile picture DO's:

1. Make sure your picture has great lighting with a neutral background. 
2. Try to avoid an unflattering angle. Try not to be all up in your face, and ask a friend to take the picture, or simply use a self timer
3. Make sure you are smiling!!! People want to feel like you are approachable! Although your stone face modeling pics might be gorgeous, flaunt your gorgeous smile! 
4. Try not to be too "done up." No need to have your glam squad on full force, or use a million filters, but still appear polished. 
5. Learn your photoshop basics like Red Eye Remover, or auto-adjuster. A lot of times that is all you need! A great website for photo editing is www.picmonkey.com !

Profile Pic Don'ts:

1. I know you had a AWESOME time out with your girlfriends last weekend, but that pic with a cocktail in your hand and your hair a hot mess, is not appropriate 
2. Huge group shots. You + 1 is completely fine, but when someone is left trying to figure out which one is actually you, that becomes a problem and confusing. 
3. Dark or blurry: You want people to be able to SEE YOU!
4. A picture of something that isn't even you. Yes, I know that you LOVE your pet, or the awesome sunset from your vacation last month, but save that stuff for your Cover Photo :)

So, how does your profile pic compare to the do's and don'ts? Are there a few things you could change? Remember, its all about connecting with your customers, and showing who YOU are! 

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