Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Facebook Profile Pic Do's and Don'ts

As most of us know, first impressions are EVERYTHING, and there is never a second chance to make that impression so make it count! Sometimes, your profile picture is even more important than the content actually on your page! It is your chance to say something about you, without having to read your bio!

You want your picture to be approachable, familiar, and most importantly, build trust and loyalty. I know I usually follow people who I admire, as well as present themselves well.

Here are some profile picture DO's:

1. Make sure your picture has great lighting with a neutral background. 
2. Try to avoid an unflattering angle. Try not to be all up in your face, and ask a friend to take the picture, or simply use a self timer
3. Make sure you are smiling!!! People want to feel like you are approachable! Although your stone face modeling pics might be gorgeous, flaunt your gorgeous smile! 
4. Try not to be too "done up." No need to have your glam squad on full force, or use a million filters, but still appear polished. 
5. Learn your photoshop basics like Red Eye Remover, or auto-adjuster. A lot of times that is all you need! A great website for photo editing is www.picmonkey.com !

Profile Pic Don'ts:

1. I know you had a AWESOME time out with your girlfriends last weekend, but that pic with a cocktail in your hand and your hair a hot mess, is not appropriate 
2. Huge group shots. You + 1 is completely fine, but when someone is left trying to figure out which one is actually you, that becomes a problem and confusing. 
3. Dark or blurry: You want people to be able to SEE YOU!
4. A picture of something that isn't even you. Yes, I know that you LOVE your pet, or the awesome sunset from your vacation last month, but save that stuff for your Cover Photo :)

So, how does your profile pic compare to the do's and don'ts? Are there a few things you could change? Remember, its all about connecting with your customers, and showing who YOU are! 

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Advancing to Emerald

Let's talk about your first MAJOR milestone in your business.
Advancing to EMERALD coach!

Simply put... Emerald means... YOU + TWO (personally sponsored coaches).

WHY aim for Emerald? 
It opens more income opportunities for you, it means you are actively helping people reach their goals, you start to take advantage of the network marketing business model, and you start to treat this business MORE like a business... which means it will start to PAY like a business a lot sooner.

You might not know exactly what coaching is...or what you're supposed to be doing quite yet (that is completely normal!) ...BUT... you have PASSION, fire, and you trusted your gut enough to take the leap of faith and sign up yourself.

SHARE your story - why you signed up. Genuinely share how you feel the accountability/discount/income/support of being a coach will help the people you know.

You have your sponsor and the team to help you navigate conversations, explain the business and get YOUR coaches started on the right foot to reach their goals.

Our team goal this month is to help YOU cross that Emerald finish line! I know together, we can do it!


1). I recommend you start by simply making a list of the people you feel would benefit from it, who love Shakeology, who are participating in your challenge group and cheering others on, who are ready to commit to their fitness goals, or even the people who trust you enough to help you and try Shakeology (mom, spouse, friends).

Try to come up with at least 10 names (use the Memory Jogger below- Trust me, its super helpful!) Listen to this National Wakeup call for some surefire ways to get to Emerald!

 PROCLAIM it - Believe it’s already complete and you will complete it.
― "I advanced to Emerald by March 31st!"

How to Access the Coach Training Academy

The CTA, known as Coach Training Academy will teach you the foundation of your Beachbody Business. This is where you learn the A, B, Cs and then I will teach you how to implement want you have learned!

The lessons are not super exciting...but what you get out of it is! If you want to have a solid grasp on what you should be doing or focus on, then you need to make a commitment to completing this.

I can't make you do them, but I can tell you this...Every coach who is seeing success with their business will tell you they completed the CTA. Why scramble and try to figure everything out on your own when there are tools to help you? 

It's your first introduction and overview of the business, what it's about, the online office, your websites, etc.

Break it down into manageable chunks. Don't try to do it in one sitting- your brain will explode. ;)

If you have a crazy busy schedule:

  • take 15-20 minutes a day (or more if you can) and do it once a day until you are finished
If you're ready to get after it:  
  • knock it out ASAP -- make it a top priority. Schedule a few lessons a day!

To access the CTA: visit your TBB profile, make sure you are logged in, go the 'COACH' tab and click 'COACH ONLINE OFFICE', then click 'News and Training' and 'Coach Training Academy'

Step 1:

Step 2:

Roasted Chicken Breast with Potatoes


3 lb boneless, skinless chicken breast, chopped into 2 inch cubes
2 lb red potatoes, chopped into 2 inch cubes
1 1/2 cups chopped Roma tomatoes
1 bunch asparagus, trimmed and cut into 1 inch pieces
3/4 cup fresh basil, chopped
8 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
3 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp chopped fresh rosemary
Ground pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 400°F and spray a baking dish with cooking spray. Add chicken, potatoes, tomatoes, asparagus, basil, garlic and olive oil. Sprinkle with rosemary. Add pepper if desired. Bake for 20 to 30 minutes, turning occasionally until tender. Serve.

Makes 8 servings

Quinoa Tabbouleh

1 pound beets
2 cups red quinoa
1/2 cup EVOO
1/4 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
3 garlic cloves, mashed
1/2 teaspoon salt
Pinch f red pepper flakes
1/2 cup chopped fresh Italian parsley
1/2 cup chopped fresh mint
3 scallions, chopped
2 ounces arugula
1/2 pomegranate, seeds removed and reserved
1/2 cup chopped Marcona almonds

1. Preheat the oven to  350 degrees. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil. Pierce the beets in a few places with a fork. Bake for 45 minutes to 1 hour, until tender and easily pierced with a knife. Remove the beets from the oven and allow to cool for 20 minutes. Use paper towel to peel off the skins or your hands with be pink for days!! Cut into cubes as set aside.

2. Meanwhile, bring 4 cups salted water to a boil. Add the quinoa. Lower the heat, cover, and simmer for 20 minutes, until the quinoa is dry and fluffy. Let cool.

3, In a salad bowl, whisk together the oil, lemon juice, garlic, salt, and red pepper flakes. Add the beets, quinoa, parsley, mint, scallions, and arugula and toss well to combine. Divide the salad among serving plates. Top with pomegranate seeds and almonds before serving. 

Friday, March 20, 2015

Kale Pesto Over Quinoa Pasta

8 cups steamed chopped black kale (about 2 bunches)
1 Cup Parmigiano-Reggiana cheese
3/4 cup EVOO
1/2 cup pine nuts
4 garlic cloves, chopped
2 teaspoons salt
1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes
Quinoa, or your favorite pasta

1. Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Fill a large bowl with ice cubes and cold water
2. Plunge the kale into the boiling water for 3 minutes. Using tongs or a slotted spoon, transfer the kale from the hot water to the ice bath. The cold water allows the kale to keep its bright green color. After 3 minutes, drain the kale in a colander, then squeeze it firmly to press out excess water.
3. Put the kale, and all other ingredients --minus the pasta ;)-- in a food processor and puree until smooth. Transfer to a container, cover, and refrigerate until ready to eat. Pesto will keep for up to 3 days. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Ultimate Power Salad

This salad is by far my all time fav...and I usually SWEAR by Southwestern salads. It is PACKED with power foods to fuel your body and keep you full. 

So what's in it? Well it's pretty simple.

  • Greens---I used kale and an organic "power mix"
  • Quinoa---seasoned with salt pepper and a splash of EVOO to give it a little more moisture (added once quinoa was completely cooked)
  • Grilled Chicken---seasoned with salt, pepper, and Italian Seasoning
  • Goat Cheese
  • Sliced Apple
  • Sliced Almonds
  • Dried Cranberries 
  • Topped with a splash of Balsamic Vinaigrette